tips for thanksgiving leftovers for your dog

Tips for Feeding Dogs Thanksgiving Leftovers

The Holidays are a great time to get the family together to share a festive meal. The aromas wafting around your kitchen are a huge enticement for your dog. As you load dish after dish onto the table, the smell of delicious turkey and pumpkin pie can make even our best behaved pets go into a food frenzy.

Thanksgiving for Dogs

Everyone likes to indulge during the holidays, and Thanksgiving is no exception. Even the most strict pet owners aren\’t able to resist giving their four-legged friends some food. Which is why it\’s good to know the appropriate and healthy treats for our four-legged babies. Responsible pet owners should want to use good pet care to keep their dog from getting sick. Veterinarians see a spike in pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), and other gastrointestinal cases around Thanksgiving. Monitoring what your dog eats will keep them in good shape this holiday season.

It\’s not secret that many human food ingredients are toxic to dogs. If you give your dog food that is too high in fat, toxic, or has indigestible carbohydrates, this can be very harmful. Symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, or loss of coordination are signs of a more severe health issue. However don\’t worry, this article details the types of food that are safe for your dog and the types that you should keep them away from.

Tips to Keep Dogs Healthy and Happy

Keep your portions small and limit the introduction of new foods. Abrupt dietary changes can be unsafe on a dogs digestive tract. Small portions help curb the possibility of danger. If a toxic ingredient is present in the food you give them, a smaller dose will help their chances of not getting sick. Some dog breeds are more prone to stomach issues, Shelties are especially vulnerable. If your dog has a sensitive stomach please use precaution.

Watch out for known common cooking ingredients that have been found toxic in dogs. Garlic, onions, and cilantro are very harmful to dogs. Also foods that are rich–high in fatty content are also not easily digested. Butter, sour cream, and bacon are often overly rich for a dog to eat. Consumption of foods like these will cause digestive irregularities and are not part of well balanced pet care diet.

Removing any temptation is also useful for your dog in the long run. Even for the most well-behaved dogs won\’t be able to control their temptation when they see a juicy turkey inches away from their nose. Make sure to push all dishes toward the middle of the table. This will curb bad behaviors like begging and scrap-stealing. It might also be a good idea to put your dog in another room, or use a doggie gate while you cook and eat.


Small portions of turkey are okay. Turkey is a protein, and in small doses will be fine for your dog. But if you decided to fry your turkey this year, you might want to reconsider. Frying a turkey drives the fat content up, which can be unhealthy for your pup.

Pet owners should remove the skin and bones before putting turkey into a dog bowl.


Potatoes are also usually okay in small servings. One or two bites of potato for your dog won’t hurt them. Many premium dog foods are replacing whole grains with potatoes as a fibrous substitute. If your recipe calls for lots of butter, cheese, sour cream, or bacon, you might want to consider using this dish as a treat. Give your dog a few bites before adding the toppings.

Yams or Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are nutritious treat for your dog, however they\’re best served raw. If you add butter, brown sugar, or marshmallows, don’t let your dog have any. Be especially careful of \’sugar free\’ foods. Sugar free foods can potentially contain xylitol.

Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that is extremely toxic to dogs. The chemical is also common in sugar free gum, and some peanut butters.

Don’t have the time to make sweet potatoes for your dog? Try the Southern Sweet Potato flavor of our Keepin’ It Simple All Natural Dog Treats!

Green Beans


These veggies are great for healthy low calorie snack. Green beans are high in vitamins like Vitamin A and Vitamin B. They also contain high amounts of minerals like calcium and iron. For your dog they\’re best served raw without butter or fried onion toppings. Especially the onions, these are terribly bad for pet care diets.


Carrots are also ‘all good’ for dogs. Bite sized cooked portions without the sugary glaze and butter are the most ideal. Carrots are certainly nutrient rich, but will need to be cooked so your dog can properly digest them.

Carrots contain beta-carotene–an antioxidant and precursor to Vitamin K. The green veggies are a great side for your dog’s Thanksgiving Dinner.

Bread Rolls

Bread is one of those treats that isn\’t necessarily good or bad for your dog. Dogs can metabolize some carbohydrates as long as it’s served in small portions.

Since it’s Thanksgiving the exception can be made. Although plain turkey or vegetables are probably the better option.

Hidden Spices Can Make Your Dog Sick

Pumpkin is a great treat for dogs. It’s delicious, nutritious, and can be served as a puree or frozen cube. Unfortunately, when it comes to Thanksgiving pumpkin, many of the canned brands and pie fillings come with hidden spices like ginger. While a little bit of these roots and spices won’t kill your dog, giving them just a little could give them an upset stomach and giving them a lot could cause graver health problems. If you plan to feed your dog pumpkin as dog food this Thanksgiving, try to keep it as plain as possible.

Don’t have the time to make your Pumpkin pie dog friendly? Try the Pumpkin Patch flavor of our Keepin’ It Simple All Natural Dog Treats!

Only the Best Part of the Turkey as Dog Food

Turkey is an excellent source of protein for people and for dogs. In fact, it’s such a great source that it is often used as a main ingredient for some of the best dog food on the market. If you’re planning to share the turkey with your pet this holiday season, try to keep it purely white. The darker meat can have higher levels of fat that are less healthy and harder for your dogs stomach to process. On another note, do not give your dog turkey bones. While there is the good ol’ image of a pet happily chewing away at their bone after a big meal, turkey bones can be filled with splinters that may cause internal bleeding if swallowed.

Green Beans and Potatoes

Green beans and potatoes are more great items to give your pet as dog food. However, they are also much better for your dog if they are kept in a purer form. If you plan to share the greens and potatoes with your dog, make them as plain as possible. Do not serve your dog green bean casserole in the final product as the cream and onions are bad for dog stomachs. Mashed potatoes often have butter, sour cream, and milk in them, along with various spices that are not good for pet health.

Alcohol and Sugar is Never Okay


From the funny videos and memes on the internet, to making it big on America’s Funniest Home Videos, when a party erupts, many partygoers may think that a drunk dog is a funny dog. However, alcohol is something that your dog should never have in their clutches. It can cause incredible sickness which can become more severe with higher volumes of alcohol. By the same token, as much as we love the sweet pecan pie or Thanksgiving cookies, dogs must avoid sugar and fake sugar substitutes at all times. Instead of giving your dog human treats, why not cook up some special doggie biscuits that are not only tasty, but healthy dog food.

Don’t have the time to make these treats? Try the PB N’ Jelly Crunch Flavor of our Keepin’ It Simple All Natural Dog Treats!

Have a Great Thanksgiving!

From all of your friends at Splash and Dash, we want to wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with loads of leftovers!

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